Durham Real Estate Investors Club
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The Risk of Diversification

Ignorance is a risk Lack of control is a risk Not knowing how to add value is a risk Getting investment advice from those who get a commission from selling […]

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The Lure of Passive Real Estate Investment Income

I’m not sure how many times I have the term “passive income” and “real estate” together over the last 10 years at various events and presentations – but it is […]

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Phases of Real Estate Investing

Many investors go through three distinct phases while investing in real estate. Of course this will depend on your goals. For example if they are planning on using the funds […]

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Getting To A Yes

One of the things that I have noticed between successful Real Estate Investors compared to those who don’t succeed is their ability to get to a yes. They continue to […]

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Achieve Your Goals By Facing Your Fears Using These 7 Steps

I hope that you have somebody in your life that can help you to focus on your successes, and not just push you to achieve your goals. I have had […]

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Why Do You Feel Like You Are Never Getting Ahead With Your Mutual Funds?

The financial services industry is huge and they have a multi-billion-dollar marketing machine behind them. I often find people accept what they are being told instead of trying to dig […]

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The Elimination of Private Rental Housing in Ontario: Financing (Part 1)

With vacancy rates less than 1% in most areas in the Greater Toronto Area and rents increasing across the province, politicians are facing a real challenge. Over the coming weeks […]

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How Does a Seasoned Real Estate Investor Approach Risk?

Risk is one of the most misunderstood terms when discussing investing in any asset class. If you can understand what risk means, you will see as I have seen, that […]

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The Seven Deadly Real Estate Investment Sins

Real estate investors can be hurt by mistaken beliefs around achieving success through investing in real estate. There are certain beliefs that real estate investors who have achieved wealth in […]

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Purchase or Pass: Making the Right Decision

Common wisdom says don’t fall in love with a property. Unfortunately, many of us, including seasoned investors, fall into the trap of falling in love with (what we perceive to […]

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