Durham Real Estate Investors Club
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Unpacking Ray Dalio’s It Starts With Inflation  – Key Insights

When it comes to understanding the complex workings of the economy, few names carry as much weight as that of Ray Dalio. As the founder of Bridgewater Associates, one of […]

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Why Multifamily Property Is A Defensive Counter-cyclical Investment When Compared to Residential Property

As an investor, you’re always looking for opportunities to grow your portfolio and generate revenue. At the same time, you also want to protect your investment. This is why you […]

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The Human Element of Money – Key Takeaways Morgan Housel’s The Art and Science of Spending Money

In his piece, “The Art and Science of Spending Money,” Morgan Housel delves into the intricate interplay between psychology and money. He masterfully illustrates how our spending habits are not […]

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From Actor to Real Estate Mogul: Leonardo DiCaprio’s Portfolio

Leonardo DiCaprio is no stranger to success. From taking home an Academy Award for Best Actor in 2016, to becoming an environmental activist and producer, DiCaprio is a role model […]

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Creative Financing in Real Estate: Vendors Take Back Mortgages and Seller Financing

Real estate financing requires a unique and adaptable approach, as a one-size-fits-all approach is not suitable for every transaction. Both buyers and sellers have a variety of options that can […]

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Young Adult Video Series – Get Real Wealthy – Season 3

I wanted to do a series of podcasts and videos that are geared to those who are in their late teens and early 20’s to help them with their finces, […]

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Active vs Passive Investor

I know that there’s been a lot of discussion over the 18 years that I have been investing in real estate around how people describe real estate investing. Oftentimes we […]

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Beware – Dangerous Leverage Can Cause Bankruptcy

One of the power tools of Real Estate Investors is Leverage. This power tool can be used to create wealth quickly, but if used inappropriately, it can cause you to […]

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Just Say No

The great thing about investing in real estate for a long time and having a good reputation is that you are presented with many different opportunities. One of the things […]

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Ontario Real Estate Investors Focusing on the USA

With the state of the Ontario landlord tenant board bureaucracy as laughable, and the challenges that investors face trying to purchase properties with a huge lack of supply, and governments […]

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