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Category Archives for Building Wealth

Should You Continue to Invest in Ontario Real Estate?

I was picking up my truck from the shop, when a gentleman came over to ask me a question as I was leaving. He recognized me as the real estate […]

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12 Things I Learned Spending $12,000 on a Financial Plan

In my presentation, “12 Things I Learned Spending $12,000 on a Financial Plan,” I will share valuable insights and lessons from my experience using a fee-only financial planner. My reason […]

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Unpacking Ray Dalio’s It Starts With Inflation  – Key Insights

When it comes to understanding the complex workings of the economy, few names carry as much weight as that of Ray Dalio. As the founder of Bridgewater Associates, one of […]

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Beware – Dangerous Leverage Can Cause Bankruptcy

One of the power tools of Real Estate Investors is Leverage. This power tool can be used to create wealth quickly, but if used inappropriately, it can cause you to […]

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Ontario Real Estate Investors Focusing on the USA

With the state of the Ontario landlord tenant board bureaucracy as laughable, and the challenges that investors face trying to purchase properties with a huge lack of supply, and governments […]

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Are You an Accreditted Investor?

An accredited investor is a person or entity that has special financial status that enables them to invest in opportunities that are not available to ordinary investors. These investment opportunties […]

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Are You Ready For a Mentor?

I’ve been working with mentors all my life, in lots of different areas of my business and in my personal life.  But I wanted to talk a little bit about […]

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What Makes a Property, A Good Investment?

I use scorecards and a number of different tools that help me to evaluate real estate assets in order to figure out which will make a good investment and which […]

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Getting Started with Your First Investment Property

Before we get into the six different methods for purchasing your first investment property, I have noticed that there is one differentiating factor that separates those who invest in real […]

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The Risk of Diversification

Ignorance is a risk Lack of control is a risk Not knowing how to add value is a risk Getting investment advice from those who get a commission from selling […]

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