Durham Real Estate Investors Club
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Why Real Estate?

I have often been asked why I focus my investments in real estate – why not stocks or options or bonds.  There are many different benefits to investing in real […]

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My $25,000 Dollar Mistake

Unfortunately, when you make a mistake in real estate, the stakes are usually much higher than in many other businesses. Sometimes you need to re-evaluate your filtering strategy or your legal […]

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Looking at Migration Patterns In Toronto

A great source for statistics that I use is “The Daily” from Statistics Canada.  The daily statistics source gives you some fairly odd statistics that you will have to sift […]

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Suggested Reading: The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy

Do All Millionaires Drive Fancy Cars? When I was a younger man I heard a great story about the owner of a large car company that has stuck with me […]

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Suggested Reading: The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class

The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class book was a quick read, but distills quite a bit of knowledge into some succinct points. Will reading the book […]

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When An Expert, Isn’t Really An Expert

There seems to be a misconception that once you become a full-time real estate investor that you work less.  I don’t agree with that.  I would say that you work […]

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Create Your Own Learning Library

If you want to improve or change your situation, then education is an important part of doing that.  Applying what you learn is just as important as educating yourself.  At […]

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You Can Create Wealth by Using Multiple Streams of Income

There are only six ways that you can create wealth.  You can inherit it(1), marry it(2), win it(3), steal it(4), work for it(5), or invest to get it(6). I’m not […]

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How Real Estate Investor’s Can Use Creative Financing To Get A New Vehicle For Free

Real estate investors are creative bunch of people, particularly when it comes to financing. At the September Durham REI meeting, I shared how I used creative financing in order to […]

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There are Lots of Ways to Make Money in Real Estate

When you are looking at real estate as an investment vehicle sometimes you get locked into a particular point of view. It can come from your background or the education […]

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