Durham Real Estate Investors Club
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Ajax proposes solution for homes in flood plain

AJAX — The Town has a solution for dozens of south Ajax homeowners impacted by a flood-plain designation from the local conservation authority, but the solution is contingent on decisions made outside of Ajax.

In 2009, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority updated its flood plain mapping for the Carruthers Creek watershed in Ajax and the new map put approximately 300 additional properties into a flood plain. While in some cases the impact was minor, perhaps affecting a backyard, there was a concentrated impact in the Pickering Beach area where some 90 properties were placed in the flood plain.


About the Author Durham REI

The Durham Real Estate Investor club began in 2008. Whether you are just starting your journey, have been investing for a few years, or are a well seasoned real estate investor the Durham Real Estate Investor Club has many benefits to you.

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