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Whitby – Façade Improvement Grant Program

The Town of Whitby established the Façade Grant Program in 2005 to encourage commercial building owners and business owners in both historic Downtowns to restore and beautify their properties. The result has been an incremental beautification of Downtown Whitby and Downtown Brooklin.

Under the program, the Town of Whitby will provide a one-time grant of up to 50% of the cost, up to a maximum of $5,000, to help commercial property owners and tenants improve the exterior appearance and/or the structural condition of their buildings. The grant is for eligible street-oriented exterior work and is focused on helping to cover construction costs associated with the improvements. The Town of Whitby also offers a Design Assistance Grant that can be applied for in conjunction with a Façade Improvement Grant. The grant is 50% of the professional design fees to a maximum of $1,500, whichever is the lesser. This program will help offset the costs of professional design services that are inherent (but may not be required) in applying for the Façade Improvement Grant program.

For more information on the program and eligibility requirements or to apply for a grant, please download the Application for Façade Grant or contact Downtown Development staff.

More details: http://www.whitby.ca/en/residents/facadeimprovementgrantprogram.asp

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