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  2. Organizers
  3. DurhamREI
Events from this organizer

June DurhamREI Real Estate Investor Call (Get Your Questions Answered)


This Q and A Call is an opportunity for investors to ask questions regarding - Finding, Funding or Financing their properties.  Stay motivated and get connected with other members! Have your real estate questions answered by experienced real estate investors who have decades of time in the market and have done dozens of acquisitions in […]

Durham REI June 11th Meeting

Abilities Centre Theatre - Iroquois Park Sports Centre 55 Gordon St, Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Our meeting will start at 7:00 pm and doors will open at 6:45 pm and end by 10pm. Next Meeting: June 11th, 2025 at 7:00 pm Location: Abilities Centre Theatre - 55 Gordon St, Whitby, ON L1N 0J2 Cost:$100 per person at the door for non-members or choose a membership option. Location Context: Our new meeting […]


About the Author Durham REI

The Durham Real Estate Investor club began in 2008. Whether you are just starting your journey, have been investing for a few years, or are a well seasoned real estate investor the Durham Real Estate Investor Club has many benefits to you.